CAN MERELY FILING A TRADEMARK APPLICATION FOR A MARK CONSTITUTES PASSING OFF? The court in the case of K.Narayana and Another Vs. S.Murali held that merely filing a Trademark does not constitute passing off. For Passing Off need to be established, there should be misrepresentation in the course of trade which is very essential ingredient for establishment of the passing off case. The relevant paragraphs from the judgement are provided below:- Para 23- It was finally argued by the learned counsel appearing on behalf of the respondent before us, that, by merely filing a trade mark application, the respondent did not misrepresent in the course of trade that his goods were the goods of the appellants and therefore there was no cause of action for filing a suit for passing off, which necessarily required sale of one's goods deceptively as though it were the goods of another. Para 24- Having heard the learned counsel for the parties and after carefully examining ...